Power plants and
Related Facilities
We provide full engineering service for various power plants such as hydropower, solar energy, wind power including consultant, feasibility study, plant design, machinery and facility supply, start-up service, commissioning, training service, and transfer of technical know-how., if requested. We provide maximum flexibility to meet all client’s requirement so that each project can be tailored to the client’s needs.
전체 2
번호 | 제목 | 작성자 | 작성일 | 추천 | 조회 |
2 |
Hemp(대마)에 대한 오해
추천 0
조회 123
YO&FUTURE | 2024.06.19 | 0 | 123 |
1 |
소수력 발전소 기술사양서 (2.1MW, Kaplan Turbine)
추천 0
조회 162
YO&FUTURE | 2023.01.05 | 0 | 162 |