탄소-수소 경제 동향
이집트-3, 수소와 암모니아 생산 계획(정리)
2023-01-13 14:56
이집트에서는 다양한 그린수소 및 그린암모니아 관련 프로젝트가 움직이기 시작하고 있어 어느 프로젝트가 빠르게 진행되는지? 누가 누구인지 분간하기가 혼란스러워 요약하여 정리를 합니다.
다만 이들 프로젝트는 대부분 MOU 단계로 실행단계에서 변경 또는 취소될 가능성이 높아 계속 추적이 필요합니다. 프로젝트의 성공여부는 결국 적절한 가격에 장기적으로 구매할 회사가 있느냐? 필요한 재원을 적기에 조달이 가능 하느냐? 여부에 달려 있습니다.
2022.5.26일 포스팅한 바와 같이 오만에서 노르웨이 Yara international이 그린암모니아를 오만에서 장기수입계약을 체결한 것이 추진중인 유사 프로젝트들 중에서 최초의 구매계약일 정도로 구매자 확보가 중요한 것입니다.
그 중 후자는 Orascom Construction and Industry와 Abu Dhabi National Oil Company의 공동 회사이며 이집트 주 권 기금의 참여로 이루어졌습니다. Orascom-Scatec 동맹을 통해 실행될 녹색 수소 생산 프로젝트는 COP 27에서 발표될 최초의 실행되는 탈탄소 적용 프로그램입니다.
이집트는 풍부한 태양광과 풍력자원을 가지고 높은 원가 경쟁력의 그린수소를 공급할 수 있는 잠재성을 가지고 있으며 또한 그린수소의 수요가 가장 많을 것으로 예상되는 EU시장에 가까워 그린수소허브로서 산업활성화를 지향하고 있다.
Dubai-based AMEA Power has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to produce green ammonia for export from Ain Sokhna in Egypt.
AMEA Power signed the MoU with The General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone), the Sovereign Fund of Egypt, the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) and the New & Renewable Energy Authority (NREA).
AMEA Power will produce green hydrogen from renewable-energy power electrolsyers, with the hydrogen to produce 390,000 tonnes of green ammonia for export from the port of Ain Sokhna.
In March, Norway’s signed an MoU with SCZone, EETC and NREA to jointly develop a green ammonia facility in Ain Sokhna with a production capacity of one million tonnes a year.
The green hydrogen and ammonia facility will be located in the SCZONE in Ain Sokhna Industrial Zone and will be powered by renewable energy plants to be built in close proximity on an area of land allocated by NREA. The plant will be designed so it can be expanded up to 3 million tonnes a year in the future.
The government signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Green Fuel Alliance, France’s EDF Renewables, and Egypt’s Zero Waste on Wednesday with an offer to establish a project to produce green ammonia to supply ships with green fuel.
Sources told Daily News Egypt (DNE) that the MoU includes the implementation of the project in phases, the first of which will be executed with investments amounting to $1bn and a project capacity of 350 tonnes per day.
The sources added that the alliance has concluded preliminary agreements with three international banking institutions to finance the project, which will be implemented in Egypt. An implementation agreement for the MoU will be signed this year, before the upcoming Conference of Parties on Climate Change (COP 27) that will be held in Sharm El-Sheikh this November.
They also indicated that the alliance is interested in cooperating with the Sovereign Fund of Egypt to implement the green ammonia production project, which is similar to a project being implemented by the Scatec Alliance.
Furthermore, the government plans to expand renewable energy projects and produce green hydrogen and ammonia as part of its plan to reduce emissions and preserve the environment.
Earlier, the government signed an agreement to establish an electrolyser to produce green hydrogen with a capacity of 100 mw with the alliance of SCATEC, Orascom, and Fertiglobe — the latter of which is a joint company between Orascom Construction and Industry and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company — with the participation of the Sovereign Fund of Egypt.
The green hydrogen production project that will be implemented through the Orascom-Scatec alliance is the first practical application to be presented at the COP 27.
The first phase of the project to produce green ammonia for industrial uses as a clean marine fuel will begin operation in October.
Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy Mohamed Shaker said in a previous statement to DNE that a cooperation agreement was signed between the Electricity Holding Company, the Belgian DEME Alliance, the Gas Holding Company, and Abu Qir Company for the Establishment and Management of Ports to cooperate in establishing a green hydrogen production and storage project.According to this agreement, the Belgian alliance took over and is conducting feasibility studies.
다만 이들 프로젝트는 대부분 MOU 단계로 실행단계에서 변경 또는 취소될 가능성이 높아 계속 추적이 필요합니다. 프로젝트의 성공여부는 결국 적절한 가격에 장기적으로 구매할 회사가 있느냐? 필요한 재원을 적기에 조달이 가능 하느냐? 여부에 달려 있습니다.
2022.5.26일 포스팅한 바와 같이 오만에서 노르웨이 Yara international이 그린암모니아를 오만에서 장기수입계약을 체결한 것이 추진중인 유사 프로젝트들 중에서 최초의 구매계약일 정도로 구매자 확보가 중요한 것입니다.
- 두바이 AMEA Power, 그린암모니아 39만톤 생산
- 노르웨이 Scatec, Ain Sokhna에 100만톤 그린암모니아 생산(최종단계 300만톤)
- 프랑스 EDF와 Zero Waste가 연간 10만톤, 10억$ 투자
- UAE Masder와 이집트 HAU 벙커링용으로 48만톤 수소와 10만톤 에탄올 생산, 4GW 확장 시 230만톤 그린암모니아 생산
- Scatec, Orascom 및 Fertiglobe
그 중 후자는 Orascom Construction and Industry와 Abu Dhabi National Oil Company의 공동 회사이며 이집트 주 권 기금의 참여로 이루어졌습니다. Orascom-Scatec 동맹을 통해 실행될 녹색 수소 생산 프로젝트는 COP 27에서 발표될 최초의 실행되는 탈탄소 적용 프로그램입니다.
이집트는 풍부한 태양광과 풍력자원을 가지고 높은 원가 경쟁력의 그린수소를 공급할 수 있는 잠재성을 가지고 있으며 또한 그린수소의 수요가 가장 많을 것으로 예상되는 EU시장에 가까워 그린수소허브로서 산업활성화를 지향하고 있다.
Dubai-based AMEA Power has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to produce green ammonia for export from Ain Sokhna in Egypt.
AMEA Power signed the MoU with The General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone), the Sovereign Fund of Egypt, the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) and the New & Renewable Energy Authority (NREA).
AMEA Power will produce green hydrogen from renewable-energy power electrolsyers, with the hydrogen to produce 390,000 tonnes of green ammonia for export from the port of Ain Sokhna.
In March, Norway’s signed an MoU with SCZone, EETC and NREA to jointly develop a green ammonia facility in Ain Sokhna with a production capacity of one million tonnes a year.
The green hydrogen and ammonia facility will be located in the SCZONE in Ain Sokhna Industrial Zone and will be powered by renewable energy plants to be built in close proximity on an area of land allocated by NREA. The plant will be designed so it can be expanded up to 3 million tonnes a year in the future.
The government signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Green Fuel Alliance, France’s EDF Renewables, and Egypt’s Zero Waste on Wednesday with an offer to establish a project to produce green ammonia to supply ships with green fuel.
Sources told Daily News Egypt (DNE) that the MoU includes the implementation of the project in phases, the first of which will be executed with investments amounting to $1bn and a project capacity of 350 tonnes per day.
The sources added that the alliance has concluded preliminary agreements with three international banking institutions to finance the project, which will be implemented in Egypt. An implementation agreement for the MoU will be signed this year, before the upcoming Conference of Parties on Climate Change (COP 27) that will be held in Sharm El-Sheikh this November.
They also indicated that the alliance is interested in cooperating with the Sovereign Fund of Egypt to implement the green ammonia production project, which is similar to a project being implemented by the Scatec Alliance.
Furthermore, the government plans to expand renewable energy projects and produce green hydrogen and ammonia as part of its plan to reduce emissions and preserve the environment.
Earlier, the government signed an agreement to establish an electrolyser to produce green hydrogen with a capacity of 100 mw with the alliance of SCATEC, Orascom, and Fertiglobe — the latter of which is a joint company between Orascom Construction and Industry and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company — with the participation of the Sovereign Fund of Egypt.
The green hydrogen production project that will be implemented through the Orascom-Scatec alliance is the first practical application to be presented at the COP 27.
The first phase of the project to produce green ammonia for industrial uses as a clean marine fuel will begin operation in October.
Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy Mohamed Shaker said in a previous statement to DNE that a cooperation agreement was signed between the Electricity Holding Company, the Belgian DEME Alliance, the Gas Holding Company, and Abu Qir Company for the Establishment and Management of Ports to cooperate in establishing a green hydrogen production and storage project.According to this agreement, the Belgian alliance took over and is conducting feasibility studies.
전체 17
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17 |
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